Review of 28 Days

28 Days (2000)
One of my favourite films
21 May 2013
I have watched this movie over and over again and it always makes me cry at the same parts. I won't give spoilers away but suffice to say it's not a typical Bullock romantic comedy or action flick. I guess it could be seen more as drama, or women's fiction? It has its funny moments, so it's not entirely drama. But it's not While You Were Sleeping or Speed either.

I think one thing that makes it different is that it isn't about Bullock's character finding love. Unless you consider it about her finding her own love of herself, or self-respect. Really, I think it's about her finding the strength to be on her own and to be who she is. It also involves letting go of the past.

The supporting characters were so much fun, and I really like the developing relationship between Gwen and her sister as well. It's all quite an all-star cast, in my opinion at least.
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