Seemed this one should have been better
20 May 2013
I got this film in a collection of horror movies...this one is the first I viewed because the booklet which came with the collection stated this film had satanic stuff in it and lots of sleazy stuff at an all girls school...I mean, just try to stop me from watching this one. However, the film I watched was rather tame, it also appeared to be missing huge tracks of time as at one point a boy is trapped in the walls of a boiler room asking for help, the next minute the girl who I never see help him has been hanging out with the boy for apparently a good portion of time. Turns out I may have watched a heavily edited version. Not sure if there was more sleaze in the uncut version, but I am sure it would have made more sense as things seemed to jump forward all to often.

The story has an all girl school run by a woman who is strict. A new girl comes to join this school, which is apparently for wayward girls. We watch as all the normal functions occur, and we also see that the girls like to have a bit of fun. Though they never really showed much in the version I watched. I just had to guess at some of it. Well, some of the girls are being killed, though we only see two killings, there may have been more in the uncut version. Is it the head mistress? Is it the creepy caretaker? Or perhaps, one of the girls? The story has a couple of surprises as I was certainly shocked at what happened to one of the girls. The ending I guessed just before it was revealed.

So the story had its moments and the girls were all cute, but I was expecting more nudity and death. Of course, once the film started, I kind of figured it was not going to be as naughty as I was hoping because the film was set likely in the early 1900's or so rather than a more current time. Still, the movie had a shower scene where all the girls remained clothed...really? Did they actually do that? Had potential and the plot sans the murders would have made an excellent adult film, but what we do get is a rather tepid horror film that really did not show much. Then again, the version I watched was 91 minutes and IMDb lists the runtime at 99 minutes and a VHS version at 105 so I may have just got a super cut edition.
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