Mystery Diners (2011– )
Stop making this show. It is obviously fake, and insulting to the viewers
15 May 2013
This is the worst show on television. It is so insanely obvious that the show is faked, that it is insulting to the viewers intelligence that the producers even try to pass it off as real. The people are horrible actors and any person who takes the time to audition for this show has placed a black mark on their resumes for even showing up. I want to watch shows about cooking! Not terrible actors pretend to be terrible employees. Please no more!!!

FOOD NETWORK when you good this show the first thing that shows up is the shows website, only quickly followed by a web page entirely dedicated to people's frustration about this show being fake. Even simply typing the words 'mystery d' prompts Google to auto-fill the words 'mystery diners fake'.
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