Perry Mason: The Case of the Calendar Girl (1959)
Season 2, Episode 24
Lots of testimony in this episode, Della even takes the stand.
14 May 2013
If you like courtroom testimony then you are going love this episode since we have many people called to the witness stand in order for Perry to find the true murderer and save his client from the gas chamber. It appeared that Hamilton Burger had the upper hand on Mr Mason until Perry kept asking questions which lead to the truth of the matter seeing the light of day.

The story, which is more complex than needed, centers around an owner of a construction company named George Andrews. He has been having trouble with surprise inspections and was told to go see a political Mr Fit-it, Wilfred Borden, that would solve his problem for the right amount of cash.

Mr Borden, which also had another hobby as a photographer, is found murdered after George Andrews visit which lead to George being a suspect. Then when Lt Tragg finds the murder weapon in the glove compartment of Mr Andrews' car it will lead to murder warrants.

There is a lot going on in this episode which includes a car wreck, a story of kidnap, a divorce, an injury and of course a photo. The viewer has to be one their toes to keep all the testimony separate and to find out who is telling falsehoods. Perry will finally solve the mystery when someone makes an error on the stand and will have his client walking free and the viewers feeling satisfied with the show. Good Watch.
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