Dead Aim (1971)
11 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Morally bereft, sloppily edited, poorly written, improperly scored, and a laboriously watch.

The old man claims to give people a proper Christian burial, implying he's Christian and can give such last rights, yet teaches the young man he found as a baby, to kill people to they have corpses to bury and make money, as gave diggers.

Even the most boring and by-the-numbers episode of "Gunsmoke" was a masterpiece compared to this. The dialogue is bland and so boring there's nothing to hold you there. The edits are so bad sometimes, that during the song after the climax of the movie, there's even and edit in the song and scene that is widely apparent.

The score for the film would have been better suited for a psychedelic western with a young cast. In this film, it's completely at odds and often distracting. It's never been released, but had it, it would have made an okay stand alone listen, but within the context of the film, it's just another nail in the coffin of a terrible movie.

So difficult a watch it's not even worth it in the end -- there's no pay off, no enjoyment. Save an hour and-a-half of your life. SERIOUSLY. IF you want a western with some real heart that's off the beaten trail, with an experimental score, try "Zachariah".
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