The Fairy (2011)
10 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So God created a fairy but before the fairy has much of a chance to learn the ropes, the world locks her up in an asylum. But the fairy escapes and comes to the gentle, lonely hotel night clerk. She grants him wishes, she saves him from choking on his midnight snack, she brings a giving, almost motherly kind of love into his life. That's the bones of this beautiful love story and if you like love stories, please see it. As to the details, there are many laughs. I'm a big Tati fan and his influence is all over this film. But the sight gags as well the the movement in general are much more pronounced than what you find in 'Mr. Hulot's Holiday' or 'Mon Oncle'. Where Tati is for smiles, 'The Fairy' is for laughs. Fiona Gordon, who plays the fairy (she also co-wrote and co-directed the movie with her husband, Dom Abel) is all over the place with her gangley arms and legs. Sometimes she looks like a gooney bird trying to take flight. And she has the kind of homely face that translates to transcendent beauty. The dance numbers are wonderful. This is modern dance without that deadening seriousness about itself that you see too much of on public TV. Some reviewers have stated that some of the gags fall flat. That might happen if you don't let Fiona and Dom borrow your heart. Lend them your heart and the obvious intent of this wonderful film -- to make you happy -- will be fulfilled.
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