Jaime Pressly looks amazing. Too bad the movie stinks.
5 May 2013
It's another in the line of cheap, tawdry, lousy Poison Ivy movies. For a while it seems this one might rise somewhat above the rather awful first two movies in the series. It's not good by any means but it's not completely hideous. But then it really crumbles in the end. The last thirty minutes of the movie are excruciatingly bad with absurd plot twists, terrible acting and stupid characters doing incredibly stupid things. In the end this movie which had the promise of being at least passable ends up being just about as bad as its predecessors.

The movie makes a tenuous connection to the first Poison Ivy film, setting up the main character here, Violet, as being the sister of the first film's Ivy. And then it proceeds to pretty much do that first film all over again. Same setup, same story. A family invites a trashy young girl they barely know into their home, said girl uses sex to destroy that family. One difference between the two films is that in the original Drew Barrymore kept her clothes on. Here Jaime Pressly is on full naked display throughout. This is definitely not a bad thing. To say Pressly looks stunning does not even begin to do her justice. Absolutely amazing. Unfortunately it takes more than a hot naked girl to make a good movie. The story has enough erotic entanglements to hold your interest to a point. Yes, the dialogue throughout is pretty terrible. Kudos to Pressly for managing to keep a straight face while talking about the ups in the stock market. Hint: she's not really talking about the stock market. But for as bad as the dialogue is and as bad as some of the performances from the supporting cast are Pressly manages to hold the movie together and hold your interest. She makes Violet into a compelling character and whenever the movie starts to drag she takes her clothes off again which is nice. But Pressly can't salvage the ending and it is that ludicrously bad ending which sinks the movie. A movie maybe worth seeing once to see Pressly in all her naked glory. Maybe you'll get lucky and the power will go out and you won't be able to see the last thirty minutes.
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