A Fish Story (2013)
A family film with a great message and a lot of heart.
29 April 2013
A Fish Story is a beautiful family film with a lot of heart. It's well written, well crafted (there are some really stunning shots), and well acted. Though there's not a lot of action, the movie was never slow.

The only thing that bothered me -- and only in thinking about the movie afterwards, not when I was watching -- was that there appeared to be some content left on the cutting room floor that may have given the film even more texture. For example, there was one scene in which some ancillary characters are introduced. Among them were a father and son duo, and there is clearly conflict in their relationship. That's the last we see of the son, though, and I was left feeling that more was intended (maybe as a parallel to or comment on the main story, a father getting a second chance to deal with unresolved family issues).

My issues with the film were minor, and I'd recommend it to anyone.
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