Disappointing 1 and a half hour of fan-service...
27 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This film is super disappointing, due to many reasons.

First, what makes One Piece a good series? Basically, all the characters has a heart and a good backstory to it, and it makes you rooting for them. This film has the opposite, the villain's motivation is bad, and his backstory is trying too hard to be complex. It is not, and it falls flat.

Second, too many random stuff are happening, basically just to please the fans here and there. You want Nami boobs shot, you got it. You want a really crazy villain, you got it. You want the cute, young Nami, you got it. You want Robin's lap dancing in her teens, you got it. You want Luffy kicking-ass with some black, strong arms, you got it.

To summarized why it's bad, the writing is bad. The characters doesn't have a heart to it, and too many random stuff are happening. Also, as I haven't mention above, the plot is trying too hard to be complicated and mysterious; it just confuses the audience. Like, seriously, Kuzan just suddenly be there, just to give an exposition the Marines already did? That's pretty pointless. I don't know if you'll have to be a fan and understand the series well enough to understand this, but for a not-so- big fan like me, going as simply just a moviegoer, this film has too many nonsensical random stuff that just baffle me.

All and all, this film doesn't have what One Piece need for even the basics, and it deserve a 4 stars.
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