Review of Zombieland

Zombieland (2013 TV Movie)
19 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What do you get when you take an awesome film, gut out the main characters, the actors, the personalities, the humor, the logic, the realism, the believability and even the ZOMBIES?

You get Zombieland. The biggest piece of garbage to ever grace television as the pilot was released today on Amazon's video service. Everything, literally every movement in the first episode was entirely predictable.

The characters are not only NOT played by their movie counterparts, but the actors who do play them make the characters feel awkward, dumb and nonsensical. It's actually astounding just how many dumb decisions are made in this episode and just how much they try to make you feel like an idiot for watching their show. Everything from dumb poop-jokes, children dropping F-Bombs to a play on someone's name that sounds like a reproductive organ ONLY to make that joke and then kill the character not even 5 minutes into their introduction. Which is all that this show's episode was. Introducing characters with the SOLE purpose of killing them off for an unfunny joke. Also, I'd love for someone to explain to me how in the show, which takes place after the movie, there is still clean running water, electricity and other facilities. Including, Wait for it...

Onstar. F****ng Onstar.

Thank you, Creators. Thank you for sullying the great job that you did with Zombieland with this garbage. Thank you for turning Tallahassee into a childish retard instead of a badass. Thank you for ruining the build-up between Wichita and Columbus by making her seem like a c**t, breaking up with him only to start up the road toward their relationship -again- for seemingly no reason. And lastly, Thank you for wasting 30 minutes of my life that I will never get back.

When the team that created this show gets gutted just as badly as it was, be sure to do a little extra for whatever mook decided that having Tallahassee and Little Rock go for a run inside of a City right after seeing someone get killed, for literally NO REASON. That was just moronic and stupid. As was every other event that occurs in this.

Lastly, In a movie called Zombieland one would expect for there to be more than TEN zombies in the entire first episode, especially when it takes place inside of a City. ESPECIALLY when they set off a massive amount of fireworks in a scene that comes out of nowhere, for no reason at all. How is this Zombieland? This is Zombietown. Which sounds like a Facebook game. Which would probably be a better follow-up to the movie than this show.

This wasn't as good as the movie. It wasn't even as good as the trailer for the movie.
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