Disconnect (I) (2012)
It skillfully and dramatically depicts how our culture is now well-woven into the INTERNET fabric, but the final wrap-up scenes were oddly unbelievable
20 April 2013
The movie "DISCONNECT", clearly and dramatically depicts how our culture is now well-woven into the INTERNET fabric of reality. It is an intelligent and skillfully done film. The script is competent and well sculpted, with three simultaneous stories,but the final wrap-up scenes were (story-wise)oddly unbelievable, canned, pre-made, or "off the shelf" for lack of a better term.

There is a large percentage of the population(i.e.my wife and I) that are not fully in tune (or dependent) on the current, internet-laced way of life, but I felt this movie effectively plugged us into understanding and relating to it.

Although the film resides in the Arts & Entertainment category, it also can be perceived as a valuable, cinematographic core-sample of the current culture and society,in ways that "Easy Rider", "The Best days of our lives", and others movies have done in the past.

It shows the"now"of our culture and society in humanistic, suspenseful, and moving ways.

I highly recommend seeing the film if you have the time.
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