Will make you wish you lived there
15 April 2013
This small and unassuming town, perhaps on the map for many already because it's where the "rock star" of Australian art, Ben Quilty, lives and also because it's that jaw-droppingly gorgeous setting the movie "Babe" was filmed in, is about to get a whole lot more famous. If the combination of sweetness, quirk, humor and achingly beautiful landscape don't get you wondering if it's time to think about moving to the country, the unmistakably cool vibe of the place will. This film manages to capture both the sleepiness of a small, rural community while peeling back this veneer to expose the thriving artistic and historical heart of the place. By the end of the movie, you feel like a local yourself. If you can't sell the house in the city and move to a farmhouse overlooking a misty valley dotted with cows and a kitchen table crowded with artists, potato farmers and composers, you can at least immerse yourself in the experience for a short while by watching this film. Highly recommended.
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