The Pill (2011)
A fun movie to watch with your friends
13 April 2013
The title, along with the film cover are both pretty self explanatory. It may sound like a cliché type movie but once you give it a chance, you find it is not as bad as you would have thought. It provides many laughs but there are some heart touching moments as well. It's not so much like 'No Strings Attached' or 'Friends With Benefits' kind of deal. It's more of them wanting to prevent any problems in the aftermath of sex then just having sex and leaving it at that. I also liked how the stars were more of smaller known actors and not big Hollywood celebrities. It put more of a shine on them. Noah Bean and Rachel Boston are fantastic together. You can feel the chemistry between them from beginning to end. This may not be an award winning film, but hey not all of them have to be. It is a perfect fit if you're home with your friends and you just want to have a good laugh.
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