I never write reviews but I have to make an exception for this one...
12 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the movie would be good - 7.1 rating and excellent actors. And that's actually all, which is good about the movie. So unrealistic and playing the lowest nature of human being, I have actually left the movie theater sad and disgusted with the fact how many people actually cheered out loud during the movie.

a) A plane makes it to D.C. before being intercepted by two raptors, which get shot down and after that only ONE raptor is sent to deal with the threat. b) Disregarding the fact that half of the army would already be all over D.C. when the two jets got shot down, the terrorists are now advancing towards the White House on foot - Humvees and choppers are sent out from across the river and the humvees get there first??? c) all the SS agents just run toward the bullets d) president gets captured and the U.S. chain of command will let the nation be destroyed just because of one man e) WH doesn't use the super secret weapon to defend the premises but somehow the terrorists are able to operate it??? f) Blowing up unarmed ICBMs will destroy the nation??? g) At the end when Butler calls in that they are okay, it takes them 5 mins to get out of the building and no one is going in???

And two things are absolutely worst: 1) Cheap and cheesy nationalism that should actually make people beware is still working to stir up some pretty strong emotions, especially among those whose necks are two feet wide and heads cleanly shaved. I was absolutely horrifies how many people stop thinking when a flag above WH has bullet holes in it and start punching the air, yelling and all together start behaving like animals... It's actually pretty scary, no wonder some people were scared of garrison state after the Cold War started. We are not far from it today... 2) I wonder who REALLY paid for this crap. So cheesy and appealing to the lowest animal nature of dumb people portraying North Korea as new terrorist threat??? (To be fair in one part of the movie they had to say that people in Middle East were celebrating when seeing the WH captured) How lame and pathetic is this... Yes let's go to war with every single country that doesn't necessarily love the United States. At least from the audience I had to sit in, you would probably get good 50 volunteers for the first lines.

Absolutely appalling and scary experience.
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