Dark Skies (2013)
Unimaginably tiresome
5 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie in high hopes of seeing something different, visually exciting and with a storyline that would intrigue and capture my imagination. Sadly it didn't deliver on any level.

Perhaps I'm of an age where I remember too many movies that have come before because, to be honest, this was a mish mash of other story lines and it wasn't done well.

If you've seen Close Encounters, Paranormal Activity, Alfred Hitchcocks "the Birds" and just about any unsatisfying documentary about Alien abduction then you've seen this movie already. It was deeply un- entertaining. It's simply impossible gather any sympathy for the characters or their plight. Wooden, stilted, slow, unoriginal and dull would just about sum it up.

I quite enjoy a slow movie that builds up the suspense and draws you in .... taking it's time to tease you into believing one thing and then delivering a surprise twist. The only surprise was I yawned so much. I know most people will just say, "you didn't have to watch it you know" but I did, I believe in giving a movie the respect and opportunity to entertain. Sadly, this movie doesn't return the favor. By the end you're just completely bemused as to why, if aliens were to visit, they would prey on such a tediously tiresome family.

No budget, however small, can excuse a poor storyline. That is the basic starting point of any movie. It seemed as if someone had seen Close Encounters, forgotten all about it and suddenly thought "OOOH here's an idea!"

Sorry, but it was awful.
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