What the hell is this?
2 April 2013
Being Spanish myself includes me in a list of potential victims of our most known filmmaker. I'm not an oblivious fan of Almodovar's work. I tend to watch his movies with objective lens, always hoping for the best. However this wasn't the case. His previous movie was one of a kind, considering he made Banderas act, really act, like wanting to shout my mouth after mumbling how bad an actor he always appeared to me. In "Los Amantes Pasajeros" (by the way, what's wrong with the translation, guys? Are you trying to copy our bad Spanish habit of not translating titles adequately?) the guy from La Mancha has tried to fool us. I mean, the non followers of his every work. This movie is incoherent, absurd and terribly boring. None of its jokes make sense as they seem to be written for really dumb people. I just miss my 7 euros, worth of a good burger instead.
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