The Spirit of the original Dragon Ball lives on, A great mix of classic elements
31 March 2013
Well before starting this review i would like to say that there are some technical aspects that i am going to intentionally avoid, you may ask why and the answer to that is simple. The Dragonball Series has been a part of my childhood , it made me love anime's and if it wasn't for this i would have never watched other amazing anime's such Death Note, Code Geass, Naruto, Bleach etc. Simply put Dragonball is the series that made me understand anime in general and judging it from a technical view point is simply not fair, So when i first received the news that a new DragonballZ movie is going to be released and is actually going to be canon , my excitement went through the roof. I did not want to lose the chance of seeing the premier and was willing to go to any logical limits for it and let me tell you it was worth it. The movie is everything a classic Dragon Ball fan like myself wanted, the classic planet destructing battles, overpowered villains with ridiculously edgy personality and Goku once again doing whatever it takes to beat the stronger opponent. The animation and visuals are as good as ever and the voice acting is also very consistent with the original ones, the sound was used very cleverly and suits the whole Japanese classic theme very well. The story is also very intriguing and oozes a certain sense of adrenaline throughout the whole movie and the ending was something i didn't expect(at least from a Dragonball movie), I was like wait that can't be right and It took me a while to understand why the ending is being played out the way it was , until i heard some of the last lines/dialogs. Those last few lines made me realize that this ending just opened up a ton of new possibilities for future Dragonball series and movies, i can only hope that this movie succeeds worldwide and that success will provide enough motivation for Akira Toriyoma to get going again, so we can all enjoy another era of Dragonball !
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