kept me guessing !!!
30 March 2013
there's only one thing i can say about this movie - "WATCH IT"!!

what a great story and great acting. i noticed some of the other reviewers labeled this movie as predictable and boorish. i completely disagree. this movie has great style and personality and a consistency that never changes.

the setting is an old (but once very nice) inner city hotel going to seed and it lends to the story just the level of character needed to support the background of our characters - Julian, Terry, and June. none of these characters come from a desperate or needy background and are most likely normal middle class people that find themselves in a desperate, needy, and dangerous situation. and they are unprepared for the consequences of their actions - maybe!

one more delightful element in this movie is the use of color! a great job in lighting and photography!
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