The Mindy Project: Danny's Friend (2013)
Season 1, Episode 18
The Mindy Project Danny's Friend
27 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Mindy's world becomes bigger then the practice and her apartment as she, Morgan and Danny travel to Staton Island. Ellie Kemper returned to the show as Heather and she was good once again because I find her physical fights with Mindy to create some good funny moments. An episode being focused on Danny was actually a good use of him which hasn't happened in some time. He did have some funny moments with his friends which made for a better episode of this show. I do not get the point of the character Morgan as I never find him funny and the seem to over use him which is a big weakness to the show for me. Mindy did have some funny moments but once again I just do not love this show as much as others do. The Staton Island scene was the best for me making the episode good enough to watch.

EPISODE GRADE: C+ (MVP: Chris Messina)
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