Domestic (I) (2012)
Good linear narrative movie with complex relationships
26 March 2013
Expected the movie to be another Romanian try of a black comedy, but boy was I wrong. The movie is structured in two parts, divided by a tragic event, that is not shown but hinted and referenced.

The first part is more of an intro, presenting all the characters that live under the same apartment building. And it has quite a few characters, families, but out of them the two kids can be considered main characters.

But what about the animals? Yes, that's what I was asking myself from the poster, how do they come into play? A short answer is that they are the "trigger" for the main plot and sub stories of the movie and characters form relationships based and with them.

The second part it's a bit more drama and narrative orientated as opposed to the first part. While the part, had a few jokes and funny situations in the second one "something" has changed. On top of that the movie shifts and introduces a "dream" sub story that is followed up until the ending and mingled with the main plot.

Out of the multiple characters, you will care more for the ones in the second part, considering that very few sub stories get explained or developed. This leaves the main plot a bit unknown, not properly defined, making the whole thing to be a relationship movie.

Acting was good, but only a few characters have a chance to shine, while the rest are there to add depth. I do think they could have removed some, but it's no way bad.

Overall it's a good movie, not as much drama orientated as other Romanian flicks but also no a black comedy. It stands on a fine line in between, helped by it's structure and acting.
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