Plot has more holes than the bad guys!
25 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Gerard, where did it all go wrong! I remember Butler as a good actor on his way to being great. He has the personality and the talent to do so much more with his craft. This was formulaic with an absurd plot - which constantly contradicted itself. The entire US foreign policy changed to save the President. No, don't think that would happen - you just get another President. A major sequence where they torture staff to get missile codes with the President vowing never to give his up - which he doesn't, but they somehow tap it into the computer anyway. Eh??? The fight scenes are beyond dumb, the assault on the white House - might appeal to a ten year old. The C140 attack, was so cringe worthy as to make me actually rise out the chair. The General in the control room!!! Stop it. And the flag waving cringeworthy speech at the end - do any Americans still buy into that type of faux patriotism. I so hope not.

You take one look at the cast, and think this must be OK. In fact, you look at the cast and think this might be great.

It's not.
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