From the New World (2012–2013)
darkly captivating, but slow thriller anime
23 March 2013
This show was pretty weird, and considering most animes are weird by default, that's saying something. I did like it, but it was kinda slow.

It's set 1000 yrs in the future and mankind has evolved psychic and telekinetic powers called 'cantus'. Saki and her friends are adolescents who are just learning about their cantus powers. They live in a seemingly peaceful and idyllic society. Yet children from their school occasionally go missing, and everyone forgets about them really quickly. Saki and her friends go on an excursion and meet an interesting creature that reveals secrets about mankind's past. From then on, Saki and friends become targetted as troublemakers since they now know things that were meant to stay secret.

While this show is long and can be slow, it's not boring, and has a constant sense of menace, where you don't know what's going to happen next, but you get a feeling it's going to be something bad. The animation is different to most of the shows I've seen lately, maybe lower budget, yet it's still decent. The characters are well developed and you really care about their predicaments.

I say watch it if you're looking for something dark and different.
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