A funny idea that for me just didn't get funny enough to take off
24 March 2013
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)

Such two opposite types of actors, and characters, for a scamming grifter type of movie you'll never see again. And I think that's what supposed to hold the movie up throughout, and it survives itself pretty well, despite some uneven acting and an air of chummy ease among all the actors, as if they know they're making a disposable movie in some posh locations.

I thought I would like this movie more. Steve Martin is such a funny actor and he gets to play a zany American type in his own way really well. Michael Caine is a hugely versatile actor and one of my favorites, and he's a sort of restrained cad in a fun way. But they don't really make any magic happen together, and the plot, which depends on being clever and full of twists, isn't all that clever or twisty.

Yes it's fun. It's enjoyable. But leave it at that.
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