Decoteau insults fans of the original Voodoo Academy
16 March 2013
I am incensed over the monstrosity David Decoteau has labeled "2:Voodoo Academy". I'll admit he is a marketing whiz, (placing a number at the beginning of the title makes it quicker to be seen in an alphabetized listing). As far as his DIY (Do It Yourself) film work is concerned, he has a keen visual eye. His scripts and special effects, however, have become progressively worse with the more profit he has made from deals with VOD distributors, RedBox, etc. Decoteau has gotten lazy with his dual citizenship and money and needs to leave the film work to a new generation of hungry film makers. If Decoteau invested a tenth of the finances or talent he has been given, he could have become a monumental artist in the line of Victor Salva whose original creature in "Jeepers Creepers I & II" has yet to be surpassed. The viewer should be directed towards Steven Vasquez (Vampire Boys), or Jason Davitt (Vampires: Brighter in Darkness). Even Andrew Christian, shows more planning and eroticism in his underwear commercial than most of Decoteau's work of the last decade. The Original "Voodoo Academy" was a fresh and original film which greatly aided Decoteau's rise as a gay horror film director."2:Voodoo Academy" is a disgrace, compared to the original. Anyone who became a fan of Decoteau's because of "Voodoo Academy" or the first three films in his "Brotherhood" series will be sadly disappointed to see how poor his work has become. Seek out gay friendly directors who don't tease their viewers or cheat the paying audiences with substandard work. It is amazing how much work he has received in the last five years considering the hostility he has engendered by his target audience. One only feels sorry for the novice Decoteau viewer who hasn't seen any reviews of his work and finds themselves attracted to a particular cover art or deceptive sales pitch. Many potential fans can not afford to indulge Decoteau any more, unless, by some miracle, he decides he would like to end his legacy with material more substantial than he is currently grinding out.
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