Fantastic, both live and on DVD.
15 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Back 10 or 12 years ago, when I bought my very first DVD player, included was a "bonus" to order several (5, I think) DVDs free. I knew only vaguely what Cirque du Soleil was, and nothing about their show called "Quidam", but it was available and I ordered it. I watched most of it way back then, not really understanding what I was seeing, and put it away. And almost forgot about it.

Fast forward to 2013, two special 20-something friends gave us tickets to see the live performance of "Quidam" in Houston, just last week, at the arena where professional basketball is played. It was a small enough venue that all the seats were good, and ours were about half-way up, on what would have been the left-field seats of a baseball game.

It is all in French, and mostly sung, so it helps to know the story. A young girl, Zoe, is bored and neglected by her parents, so through her vivid imagination a Quidam (a tall man without a head but carrying an umbrella) shows up, a when she puts on the blue bowler hat the circus acts come alive on stage. It includes a live band and singer. The aerial acts are suspended from the five metal arches over the rotating stage, and they are suspended in such a way that they move from the back of the stage to a spot over the stage.

I would imagine many of the performers are Chinese and European-trained acrobats, and they exhibit feats of great strength and flexibility. Zoe's story isn't particularly important, it just provides a reason for the circus acts.

A few days after the live performance I re-watched the "Quidam" DVD and this time knew what I was looking at. No question, as nice as the DVD presentation is, and includes appropriate close-ups, seeing it live is a whole different experience. Plus, while the main of the story and the various acts are mostly the same as 1999, there also are some significant differences.
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