Adventure (1945)
Greer Looked Great, But As For The Movie...
14 March 2013
I'm giving this movie 6 stars for the sheer pleasure of looking at Greer Garson, one of my favorites.

But I'd put this movie alongside "Remember?" as the weakest Garson films. For me, the problem was Clark Gable.

Gable is given the kind of typical "rough guy the dames falls for" role that made him a star...a combination of bluster and charm that won over Jean Harlow or Myrna Loy or Claudette Colbert.

Here, I think it's too much bluster and too little charm to realistically connect with Garson in the role she's given.

One pleasure here is seeing Joan Blondell -- she did lots of good work after the '30s musicals that she's best remembered for.

Also good: Thomas Mitchell.

Overall: see it once for the novelty of it, or skip it altogether,
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