Villa Jasmin (2008 TV Movie)
Meeting the past
14 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Henri Boccara and his pregnant wife are ecstatic as the ship that are bringing them to Tunis is approaching land. He has come back as a sort of pilgrimage to the place where he was born. Although his life changed dramatically at a tender age, the death of his father, serge, seems to have been anti-climatic. His mother passed away shortly after her husband's death.

Henri, who now has taken his father's name, goes back to some familiar places trying to remember parts of his life. In flashbacks we get an idea what his parents had to endure in a land that became polarized by the controls of France, as a protectorate, then the German invasion. As Jews, they did not have a chance to survive, but Henri and his mother and sister were spared of the fate Serge had in store when he was taken prisoner and sent to a concentration camp.

Ferid Boughedir adapted Serge Moati's novel for this television movie that is a sort of memory piece, a reminiscence of the past as a son goes back to rediscover his past. The problem with this feature is a disorientation as there is no differentiation between the present and the past, which is confusing. Arnaud Giovaninetti, Clement Sibony and Els Mollien, the three principals do good work in trying to bring the Boccaras to life.
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