Review of The Child

The Child (2012)
Another generic serial killer movie
9 March 2013
At first the movie takes a pretty serious turn, but then starts jumping back and forth as if not sure what tone to contain, so it just tone-shifts allover.

The actors are decent and the characters are interesting enough to be invested over, but the story suffers from all the psychological triller clichés we've seen a thousand times before.

The ending is one big giant letdown, and the last act of the movie is just characters explaining the plot to the audience - which is not such a bad thing considering how confusing the film is due to its tone-shifting issues - although you can't help but keep expecting the phrase "And I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids" to pop up. Don't waste your time on this one, watch 'Silence of the Lambs' instead.
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