Boca do Lixo (2010)
A lot of wasted potential
9 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this film really hoping that it would be everything that it claims it is: a stylish revenge tale to rival The Godfather itself. In actual fact, this is not a revenge tale and gets no-where near to The Godfather. A film essentially based around the rise and fall of a Brazilian pimp, it seems to me like it's confused about it's own nature and motivations as well as those of the characters; I was never sure if it was intended as a glorification or a condemnation of the Brazilian sex industry lifestyle. Also, characters seem to disappear without explanation and core aspects of the plot seem to be forgotten within a matter of minutes. There is a lot of potential in the characters and plot of this film, but due to poor scripting and the short runtime (100 minutes is not enough time for a crime epic) and Boca is almost unfinished in this sense, the film is a mess and exploration into motivation, generally turning the pace down a notch and stretching the runtime could have made this a film worth watching. Unfortunately, there are too many basic flaws to make this a decent film in my opinion.
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