Its a spoiler because im moaning, not giving away storyline.
8 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Hello, (This is a negative review, but no spoilers contained other than spoling your expectations) Well I'm a big fan of Anime's and have enjoyed quite a few anime films, out of that lot I do enjoy Fairy Tail the series and so watched the film as any fan would, I was not expecting a lot as this is their first film (And the anime series show they are still learning) But gave it a try, and they disappointed my low expectations.

Generally I would give this film around 3/10, maybe 4/10 as it is a watchable film, it gives screen time to the whole guild and they will all pull off some moves to keep ya happy (And Happy happy) during the film.

But i'm giving it 1/10, my worste rating ever, this is because of a few reasons which I would apply to any film so i'm not being biast:

Darkness - The film is VERY VERY dark, half of the film you will just see a black screen with faces moving around and the occasional fireball or something, this goes for all the battles and chases and bits inbetween, this point ruins any film, the other thing I enjoy about Anime's is the amazing worlds people create, and beautiful scenery, this film looks like it decided to skip background imagery and just make it all dark, they will have light scenes, but they will lack my next point.

Script - You will notice this issue within around 10 seconds of the film starting and this will continue to the end, lack of dialogue, lack of explanation, the film starts with a 'silent movie'(With music), so unless you've read multiple descriptions of the storyline you will have no idea what is going on, this will not get any better during the rest of the film, I didn't actually laugh once during the film :S (If you leave the sound on but look away from the screen, you won't be missing much)

Storyline - Weak, I won't go into this for spoiler sake, but it is weak. If you wanted to, there is a short 20ish min episode which explains a little more into the film's main characters, but again lacking (Plus not part of the film?!?!).

If they took this film, cut it into 5 parts and released it as episodes within the series (Labled as fillers) a lot of people would be complaining and skipping it :P I feel cheated :P And they didn't even do much fan sub... tho lucy is always a winner ;)
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