Geordie Shore (2011– )
Trashy, awful, Disgusting
7 March 2013
This is the most horrible piece of trash I've ever seen, The women are whores, the men are generic dirt bags, And this "show" is massively scripted, I heard people my age (15) are massive fans of this show. Modern pop has officially distorted the youth of the UK. This show should be banned from TV, it really is disgusting and degrading to the human race, these guys are the human waste, failed people, who believe they have "Swag" and believe "Yolo" (You only live once) means do crazy stuff, as you will die at some point anyway, you only live once so just go f______ nuts, That is what these dirt bags mean, if you like this show, i suggest you look at yourself in a mirror and think.....Am i really a piece of human waste if i copy these dirt bags?

Yes you are.

This show should be avoided and kids and teenager should Never watch this "reality" show.
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