Assassin's Creed II (2009 Video Game)
True AC fans will cringe...
5 March 2013
This game had a lot of potential as the sequel to one of the most amazing games in gaming history, Assassin's Creed, which introduced versatile mechanics in perfect harmony with creativity, but unfortunately Ubisoft ultimately failed to deliver. Full of plot-holes and inharmonious game play, this headache-inducing game (if you will choose to call it that) is a crowded cache of failing mechanics and laughable graphics.

The story isn't much better, as it is extremely improbable and relentlessly drags on to the point where you'll want to put the controller down and blast your console with a double barrel shotgun. It may seem complex, but it's incredibly shallow and boring ad infinitum. A few advancements were made on previous concepts such as assassination techniques, maneuverability, etc. and some victoriously successful, while others withered and died.

I give this game a 3/10, and that's being generous. The first game is where it's at!
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