Review of Pelt

Pelt (2010)
Useless Killer Redneck Movie
4 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There are some decent "killer redneck" movies, and even some that are bad enough to be fun. However, I didn't find any reason for Pelt to exist. The first problem, as many have mentioned, is that the seven main characters (three crude hot chicks and four crude bros) are completely unlikable in their establishing scenes. They are rude and horrible to every single person that crosses their respective paths. Therefore, we don't care whether they live or die - we actively want to see all of them get taken out. Which brings me to my second problem with Pelt - we don't get to see them taken out. Most of the kills take place just out of camera range, so after taking the time to set these characters up as the worst people on earth and making us suffer through spending time with them, we are denied our money shots - heck, even a nice close up of the aftermaths would be better than nothing. Finally, I am told that Pelt is supposed to be a horror comedy but the big problem with that is it's not funny. It's terrible, and there are times you can't do anything but laugh at what's happening on the screen, but there's a difference between laughing at and laughing with. There's plenty of stupid behavior and bad dialogue, but the whole thing is so inept that it's hard to tell what's awful for laughs and what's just poor script/performance/direction. It also fails as parody because it doesn't seem to have enough understanding of the slasher subgenre to effectively spoof it. I did feel generous enough to give Pelt a 2 instead of a 1 solely because of how the most horrid female character dies and for the zip-up onesie rubber ducky pajamas one character wears through most of the movie. There are many movies out there worse than Pelt, but that doesn't make Pelt worth sitting through.
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