Norman and Barbara
3 March 2013
If you can accept the fact that the classy Jill St. John would be heiress of the Tuttle Department Stores is going to fall for Jerry Lewis's klutzy character of Norman Phiffer than you'll really like Who's Minding The Store? Jerry is one walking human disaster, but he's got integrity and that's what counts in Jill's eyes.

But not in the eyes of her mother Agnes Moorehead who was giving her Endora character a trial run in this film. Agnes is determined to break up Jerry and Jill so she actually fixes it for Jerry to be hired at her store by her manager and hatchet man Ray Walston who gives him all kinds of assignments that should show what a disaster he is. All it does is it makes Jill love him all the more. It also probably drives the store into bankruptcy.

Lewis does more physical comedy here than he does in any two of his other films. Best gags are with Nancy Kulp the great white hunter shopping for an elephant gun. Check the recoil action as Jerry demonstrates the weapon. And the final gag in the store as Jerry fixes Isobel Elsom's vacuum cleaner all too well as it sucks everything in sight. Check Jerry out on the flagpole as his first assignment from Walston. Shades of Harold Lloyd.

Jerry and Jill maybe a more odd couple than Felix and Oscar, but the film is a great treat for Lewis fans.
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