Everything that can go wrong - Eventually does
25 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this episode right after Terry Farrell was featured on the cover of a TV guide, one with two covers, the other offering Seven-of-Nine. I thought "Great, for once, the women of Trek are being payed Homage"

And so I watched this with jaw dropped - As Season 6 Mytharcs came to a jarring conclusion.

Previously in Season 6 Worf and Jadzia had been dancing around the idea of having a child. But there is still a war on, and Dukat is still on the loose.

A huge opening is seen for an attack on Dominion Shipyards - One which cannot be ignored, the allied forces, which now include Romulans, must attack. And the man in charge is The Sisko, The Emissary of The Prophets to Bajor.

Until The Prophets appear to The Sisko and tell him he is not to go. But The Sisko is also a Federation Officer - He cannot shirk his responsibilities to The Federation.

And so this episode is a painful revelation that The Sisko is not just an "Emissary" - He is the Guardian of the Celestial Temple aka The Wormhole.

But The Sisko cannot do both at once, and he is ordered to lead the attack. The new leader of Cardassia, Damar has created a planetary defense that is much like the Mines which Rom created to guard the Wormhole - They replicate themselves if blown up. The Federation is supposed to attack before these defenses are activated, but when did anything ever go as planned in a War?

Meanwhile Jadzia has been put in charge of protecting The Station and The Wormhole - She makes a side trip to Bashir who after conducting some tests, informs her that she and Worf can become parents.

And Dukat has not been idle- He has become informed on the Pah Wraiths, the Kossta Mogen. He meets with Damar with an idea of how they can get control of The Station again. IN fact, when did Dukat not have an ulterior motive? But in fact, the motive is not just his - It is the desire of the Pah Wraiths to take over the Temple of The Prophets.

Dukat breaks a small Idol and releases Kossta Mogen and merges with it.

And all things happen at once. The Planetary Defenses activate in the middle of the biggest Battle Royale of DS9 up to that point - The Prophets put The Sisko in a Trance - And Dukat invades the station and confronts Jadzia.

The Kossta Mogen entity attacks Jadzia brutally and releases itself into the Orb which is in the Temple on DS9 - The Wormhole quivers and shudders and closes. The Sisko is greatly affected - Major Kira takes over and Garak finds a way to kill all of the defenses at once. This is one of the greatest space battles of all time.

The Shipyards are destroyed, but the cost is way too much for The Sisko to take. And so, he says goodbye to his old friend of the last six years and heads to Earth until The Prophets tell him what he needs to do...

If in fact they still exist.
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