Whores' Glory (2011)
Glad I don't live in Mexico
25 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't get this film or what it was trying to say. So you walk into a brothel, do a few interviews of the girls, staff and patrons? And? Then you go to a completely unrelated place and showcase they way it's done there? I mean, was the point to show that Thailand has some of the best hookers in the world? All I know after watching this film is that I'm glad I don't live in Mexico or India.

So I guess I'll put a spoiler alert on here: India and Mexico suck for getting hookers, while Thailand is pretty decent.

Maybe the most rare footage of this film: The 3 minute shot of two dogs that are stuck together outside the brothel. I saw this for the first time in Thailand and was confused. My first thought was that some prankster had tied the two dogs together. Upon asking more and doing some research, I learned that a dog penis is unlike a human one. Blood can get stuck at the tip, giving a light bulb like effect when humping is interrupted. If blood flow is cut off, then the blood in the bulb end can't get back into the dogs body - leaving the dogs penis stuck inside the female dog. So yeah, they are stuck facing opposite ways for who knows how long.

Also, there are people giving this 8, 9 and 10 stars. Really, this is a top 250 movie in the history of film making? Go look at the average rating of the best movies in the world and ask yourself, does this flick deserve a spot among Godfather and Pulp Fiction?
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