Wonder Woman (2011 TV Movie)
Hahaa. I know you people playing with me!!
23 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Hahhahahaaa. Aii sah. I'm here watching this "unaired pilot" and alternately laughing and shaking my head in despair. Seriously though. They just made this episode in jest right? Kind of like an almost spoof? No? Really? Hmm...

OK, so as i'm watching i'm thinking "ok, the beginning isn't so bad. What's with all the negative comments??" Then Wonder Woman whips out her lasso and nooses the guy. Yep, laughing off my head here. Then, about halfway you get struck by the not too great dialogue. (Yea I know, but it only got worse around here) But I can deal with that. I've watched worse.

Now we come to the 3/4 mark of this 41 min pilot. Cool, fight scene!! Wait a sec!! Are all those WIRES on the actors to make them fly and leap high?? Really?? And here comes more lasso action. And i'm serious, the phrase that keeps coming into my mind is Mortal Kombat's Scorpion saying "Get Over Here!!" When it finally ends i'm left thinking how sad and lonely Wonder Woman's life is. Very sad.

The problem is that this show had some good actors and could have gone so much further if not for the poor script and the horrific display of the wires. However, I will concede that the show wasn't all that bad and this was largely due to our evil villianess, Ms Elizabeth Hurley who, in my opinion was the actual star of the show. She delivered the dialogue, the looks, and the evil empire leader very well. You almost wanted her to win.

Ultimately, if you were a fan of the original series (Yes, Lynda Carter), this ep will disappoint you. If you had no clue of the original, it will erk you a bit. If you want to watch it and form your own opinion I say go for it, that's what I did....

Cheers all!
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