Overrated but interesting
19 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This programme is unusual, and could have been very compelling viewing. Unfortunately unprofessional "special" effects, and confused time travel rather spoil it. The creator, Margaret Mahy, was seriously overrated as an author, and in particular had no conception at all of time travel. Her confusion makes the entire series confusing, and illogical. Unfortunately the producers were too besotted by her to question her views of time travel. I do not know whether it was a limited budget, or the special effects being done in New Zealand, but the effects were not special at all, but very amateur. That used to be normal for New Zealand television, though there has been improvements in recent years. It is a pity that the production and editing was not given to a more experienced and better funded team overseas. All-in-all an interesting concept, that better execution could have made a wonderful programme.
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