Thank heavens for gratuitous nudity.
17 February 2013
Count Oblensky (Waldemar Wohlfahrt), heir to the Winninger estate, moves into his ancestral castle despite a spate of unsolved murders in the vicinity; there, he discovers the long dead Baron Winninger, a vampire with the power of invisibility and a longing to be staked, who is cursed to rise from his tomb to kill. Also unperturbed by the rising number of corpses is Oblensky's tasty fiancé Susan, who pays her boyfriend a visit and finds herself stalked by the undead baron.

The plot for The Horrible Sexy Vampire is decidedly mediocre and leads to quite a few stretches of tedium wherein a police inspector investigates the murders and Oblensky explores his castle. Thankfully, the film's bloodsucking baron has a proclivity for sexy female victims, attacking only after they have removed some or all of their clothes, meaning that the dreary scenes of police procedure and Oblensky's investigation of his new home are regularly punctuated by far more entertaining moments in which naked hotties are offed by the kill-crazy count (who seems to forget that he's a vampire, throttling his victims rather than making use of his fangs).
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