A Refined Tetsuo
17 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was not a bad movie. It didn't have the experimental look of the first Tetsuo flick; however, that's been done. This one was kinder and gentler than the first... although still rough and disturbing. It reminded me of a Nine Inch Nails music video (Closer)... only much longer and with a mostly Japanese cast...

The movie is about a man who, due to a genetic experiment with his mother, sprouted metal parts and guns when angered. It was kind of like the Incredible Hulk if that movie had been directed by David Lynch. There is more self discovery than in the first Tetsuo... more dialog as well. The acting is mediocre, but the images are definitely powerful.

If Francis Bacon made a movie with Rob Zombie, this is what it would look like...
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