Whores' Glory (2011)
Good movie
17 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the movie because it appears to share honest/authentic conversations with prostitutes around the world.

Comes off as a lament for prostitution, culture and humanity, although some of the ladies appear to be OK or even happy with their lifestyle. Not sure it impacted my opinion much but seems like the type of film that I will remember.

Ultimately, it leaves the viewer to ask all the whys, and in that way it comes off more like a piece of art work than journalism, which I like.

I get bothered by people blathering about propaganda and neutrality. I have read few books and watched few movies that came across as truly neutral. I'm not sure it's even possible if I were nitpicking. Easiest solution is for someone to make a case, make a point, weave a message, create a propaganda piece and let someone else counter it in their own film or book. The more potent the message, the more it will take into account counterpoints and other perspectives anyway. The artist, write, filmmaker always has to leave something out, which means he has to make choices, which means it's always biased. I prefer biased. I added this paragraph because IMDb won't let me publish without at least ten lines, so I had to add something.
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