The Enemy (2011)
Portent Drama . But Is It Horror
11 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Dayton Peace Accord brings the Bosnian civil war to an end and a unit of Bosnian Serbs find a Serb civilian in a nearby factory . From then on strange things start happening I haven't seen too many Bosnian war films from the Blakans but the ones I've seen such as NO MAN'S LAND and PRETTY VILLAGE PRETTY FLAMES would seem more at home on the theatre stage rather than a cinema screen . By this I mean the location is static and the story is dialogue heavy and there is a small cast list . This slightly bizarre film by Dejan Zecevic is no different

In many ways THE ENEMY is similar to the 2001 British film THE BUNKER except for one important difference and that is THE BUNKER is a confirmed supernatural film where as THE ENEMY isn't . In truth this movie is a film that is entirely open to interpretation . Is the man the Chetniks find really an agent of either God or Satan ? Or is the mindset of the Chetniks something that leads to self fulfilling prophecy ?

One problem this leads to from a cinematic point of view is that not much happens . I do remember my problem with THE BUNKER is that low brow horror would have been preferable to the psychological chills suggested and this problem is reinforced with this film . The story doesn't actually get going in to the final third which makes for a rather mundane film which is a shame since the director and cinematographer bring a gloomy mis-en-scene to the movie but don't make the most of it

I suppose one positive that can be taken from THE ENEMY is that of the five previous comments on this page two are from Croatia and two from Serbia and they're all unanimous in enjoying this film which makes me optimistic that there is hope in the world
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