Review of The Boys

The Boys (1998)
Pedestrian Soapie
10 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst a worthy idea, The Boys fails to deliver mainly due to poor casting. Wenham tries hard as the lead'thug'and has some moments where he appears deeply troubled but doesn't really pull it off - a very one dimensional character that the writers failed to develop. I suspect Wenham's performance suffers mainly due to the poor ensemble casting of Hayes and Polson, who lack credibility of any type as bad guys - they simply are not scary and their performances are boring - I have seen tougher guys at the local car wash / fruit shop / express lane at Coles etc than in this movie, how they were cast in this is a mystery. Curran does a good job as the mother but she can't compete against the 'unbelievable' sons she has to work with. Toni Collette does her best in a bland role but doesn't really add much to the movie. Anna Lise Phillips does a nice job as Nola. This movie offers some interest but mostly forgettable. Watch it fast forward.
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