Betty and Coretta (2013 TV Movie)
Life After Assassinations ***1/2 Betty & Coretta
9 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When Coretta Scott King met Malcolm X, this was to begin a special relationship between her and his wife, Betty Shabazz.

The picture really is about how the two women coped following the assassinations of both their husbands. They bonded very well together as they came to see that their struggles for civil rights must have a common cause and not divert from each other.

The depiction of Mrs. King's life was smooth sailing, but we don't get to see how Mary J. Blige, who was excellent as Betty, came to her career in education. We did see the troubled daughter she had who was greatly affected by watching her father be murdered in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in 1965. That trouble was invariably passed down to her son who torched Betty's place, which led to her death.

The acting is very good from all concerned, especially that of the troubled adult daughter of Shabazz.
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