Three different restaurants explain what it (life, food, work, passion) is all about.
6 February 2013
One of the best documentary's I have ever seen. It is so unique to this genre because it is not trying to push anything on the audience or expose a hidden truth. My last documentary I watched that I really liked was "Waiting For Superman." And it is a film that shocks it's viewers, and appalls them, gives us hope and then takes it away, it is a typical documentary. But my absolute favorite movies are ones that are like nothing I have ever seen before. Spinning Plates is a game changer. It wont' shock you but it will warm your heart and touch your soul... and make you hungry. While watching the movie I became sucked into the story. The hour and a half seemed like a minute-- it was the perfect amount of time. I wanted more, but at the same time it was all I wanted, just a quick pick-me-up, an inspiring part of my day that made me want to hug my family and then have a big family dinner. It is utterly entertaining- I laughed and I cried. Spinning Plates reminds us about community, passion, hard-work and the power of food. Most importantly, I was inspired and proud to be a human. This film is a gem in the rough. WATCH IT!
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