Review of V/H/S

V/H/S (2012)
V/H/S (2012) Review
4 February 2013
What has happened to the good old suspenseful hair standing up on the back of your neck horror movie? I watched approximately twenty minutes of this film before turning it off. I am sorry but it is just pure dirt. I cannot believe how low the horror movie industry has gone. The freelance camera work is so tired. It just runes the quality of the movie. You may as well have the video camera tied by a piece of string to the end of a stick. I find the graphic content appalling the way both men and woman are degraded is disgusting. There is no need for it. It extremely distasteful.

I would hate to think that teenagers are watching this filth. What is the world coming to at all. I thought horror movies were supposed to be scary. This was a yawn fest. I was genuinely so bored I had to turn it off. I could not connect to any of the caricatures and the story line or lack of it was going nowhere. If this is, were horror movies are going it is a travesty.

This is only my opinion of what I thought of this film. Everyone is free to voice there own. I have always been a lover of a good horror movie. However, this one just does not make the cut. That is why I am only giving it a 1-10 unfortunately. I think the word beside the number speaks for itself (awful).
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