"He doesn't make pictures about good guys and bad guys. He makes stories about people." - John Wayne
2 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I guess as far as TV documentaries go, this one was competent enough for 1971, but that was over forty years ago. Director John Ford passed away only a couple of years later, so it's probably a good thing some folks found it fitting to put this tribute on film and on record. Interestingly, Ford's six Oscars over the course of his career never involved a Western, so that bit of information is now tucked away in my memory for some trivia session down the road. John Wayne, James Stewart and Henry Fonda appear in person and in film clips highlighting the director's career, with a lot of emphasis on Ford's favorite filming locations in Arizona and Utah. Ford made nine Westerns, beginning with 1938's "Stagecoach", using the stark but beautiful landscapes of Monument Valley as his backdrop, and Western fans instinctively know it's a Ford film when those majestic spires and towers come into view. Not ever having seen Ford before, I was surprised somewhat at his appearance; I pictured a stockier, taller man on a par with John Wayne, but perhaps because of his age, he appeared slight of build but with a personality to rival any of his stars. Fondly called 'Pappy' by Wayne and Stewart, I found him to be generally self effacing with anecdotes about his career, including an amusing story about how he first met Henry Fonda, after he already directed him in a movie role. Ford didn't recognize him without his makeup. There's also a story he shares about getting a first hand history lesson about the gunfight at the OK Corral from the man who was there - Wyatt Earp - information put to good use in the filming of "My Darling Clementine". Little insights like this make the documentary interesting, and if you're a fan of his movies I think you would find it worthwhile. Rounding out the guest appearances, Andy Devine shows up in a cameo doing what he always did best, providing a spot of comic relief as the driver who appeared in "Stagecoach", the actor who Ford couldn't recall by name.
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