The Following (2013–2015)
Twists and Suspense - Two Thumbs Up!
31 January 2013
After FOX canceled Alcatraz last year, I was worried it was becoming a cheesy sellout channel only known for Glee and American Idol. When I saw ads for The Following, I was pleasantly surprised. Kevin Bacon puts a new twist on the classic "dark hero" and with an all-star cast of seasoned actors who blend beautifully, it's almost believable. I was on the edge of my seat as I watched the first two episodes and I am looking forward to a wonderful series. The antagonist Joe Carroll is a horrifyingly perfect Moriarty to Ryan's Holmes and he reminds me a bit of Ben Linus from LOST. Some may be turned off by the show's violence but it's mild compared to most actual horror movies, and I did not find it gratuitous. I highly recommend this new series.
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