Review of Eva

Eva (I) (2011)
predictable and boring
19 January 2013
The moment I saw the trailer I knew where the writer and director were going with this. I knew how it would end and what the big reveal would be. Yet I liked the visual and I wanted to see a non-Hollywood film, so I gave it a try. Boy, was this a painful experience.

First of all, we learn nothing about the characters from the beginning or even in what year the film's taking place. If I don't know who the characters are and there are not even hints about their relations, why should I be invested? Why should I care? Imagine you walk into a store and a cashier looks at you for 20 seconds. Is that supposed to mean something? Should I care? No, because it's not someone you met before. The moment you turn around that cashier will be forgotten. And that's just what is going on in this film. From the very beginning there's nothing but long shots of people looking at each other. It might mean something to the characters, and it probably does, but that means nothing to the viewers watching the film. There is a scene where the main character is looking at a woman for 20 or 30 seconds. We don't know who she is, what their history is and their relationship. We don't even know whether there is one. By the time I learnt anything about the characters, I was not interested anymore.

Then there are long exterior shots. Do we really need to see someone drive a long way on an icy road, parking their car, turning off the engine, getting out of the car, locking the door and walking to a building? All that in about 3 minutes of time? What is it supposed to accomplish? Or long shots of the town the film is taking place in? OK, it's nice and covered in snow. What else did you need to say about it that you repeated the shot several times? I won't spoil the big twist, but if you've ever seen a film regarding creation of androids, you'll know it by the time the trailer finishes.

The acting is OK, but the main male lead is just dull and irritatingly boring. I couldn't stand him. The rest of the cast do their jobs well, but they are basically forgettable. And yes, that includes the character of Eva.

I couldn't wait for the film to end. It's tedious, painfully slow and unoriginal. It's got pretty visuals, but that's about it.

I respect independent filmmakers for their efforts and not so rarely they succeed. But this film just felt like a Hollywood production that's trying to pretend it's artsy by having long slow camera movements. A bit faster pace would have helped this time.
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