Damn you Tesco and your Bargain Bin.......!
19 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Over the last thirty years I have amassed a vast collection of films on VHS, DVD and Blu Ray. I've got shelves and boxes full of 'em.

NEVER before have I so strongly felt the urge to press "Eject" after about twenty minutes and sling the film in the bin.

But I resisted and soldiered on (pardon the pun) for another fifteen minutes before eventually succumbing and removing the disc from the player, walking into the kitchen and depositing it and its packaging into the bin.

I then calmly went back into the living room and sat there for a while with a brew.

Before going back into the kitchen, retrieving the disc from the bin and smashing it up with a hammer, just to make sure it was dead.

This is by far and away the worst film I have ever tried to watch. All the negatives chronicled in the other reviews on here are spot on.

This film is achingly bad in so many ways. In fact my toes are still curled now some four hours later.

It makes Killer Clowns From Outer Space look like Star Wars.

I'm not a screenwriter but I know what a decent film should look, sound and feel like. Did the idiots making this not sit back and watch the rushes thinking "Oh God....we've made a fourth rate shambles which will have everyone laughing at us"? Were they really that deluded and stupid?

I don't care that it's an independently produced, low budget film. That's no excuse for poor characterisation, terrible script and acting, bizarre cinematography, god-awful continuity errors and more clichés than you can shake a stick at.

It really feels like it was put together by a bunch of fifteen year old boys who've played too much Call of Duty.

Utter garbage and everyone involved should be thoroughly ashamed.
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